Wednesday, November 14

This Too Shall Pass

The morning is here...thank goodness to the newness and freshness that morning always brings! We survived... and of course in the morning problems don't seem as bad as they do at night. Why is that? Avery finally went to sleep (and slept all night) after a two hour ordeal. We were all three exhausted. We didn't let her cry it out all the way...30 minutes was all I could bear. Avery was making herself sick, shaking and sweating and being hysterical. David and I thought we were going to lose our mind. She finally fell asleep as her Daddy stoked her hair and rubbed her back....every minute or so she would open her eyes just to see if we were still there. She is so precious, but that was a rough night for all of us. We'll see how tonight goes. Avery and I are going to the park because I promised her we would go if she slept in her big girl bed all night. Oh and NOW she wants to play with her Baby Tad!!


The Milams said...

Sleep issues have been the most trying times of my mommy days! I now know why the military uses sleep deprivation tactics on POWs. It will make you crazy!!!

Hang in there! As you said, this too shall pass. (In my experience, it's always better by the THIRD night.)

gone forever said...

yay for mornings!!!

Cherie said...

Poor Avery. I am sorry she is having so much trouble sleeping. I know it is hard on all of you. Jake has just started this " i"m scared" thing also, so maybe it's just something they go through at this age. He never wants me to turn off the lights anymore. I'll pray for little Avery

Anonymous said...

So thankful that everyone survived. I'll be praying that this will pass soon! I can't stand the thought of that sweet baby girl being scared! Love you, A