Tuesday, November 13

Cry It Out

At this very moment, while I write this....we are letting Avery "cry it out". We haven't done this since she was 7 months old. PLEASE pray that all went well. It is almost unbearable sitting here listening to her screams on the monitor. David's solution - turn down the monitor. So you might be wondering why it has come to these extremes....well we do too. For 5 nights Avery has been crying and sometimes screaming when she is put to bed. She also does it when she wakes up in the night, which is at least 3 or 4 times each night. She says that she is scared and wants to sleep in our bed. This is the thing....I am one of "those" moms. I have not and will not let my child sleep in our bed. I can't sleep...with all that tossing and moving around...and now grinding of the teeth. Yes, Avery grinds her teeth at night, it's really strange but the doctor said that she would grow out of it. Anyway, I did sleep with her last night (I just wanted sleep SOOO bad I would do anything). The anything was sleeping with Avery in her toddler bed! I ended up being so cramped and miserable, but I just wanted her to get good sleep cause she had "school" the next day. After I did take her to MDO, I even went on a BABY TAD mission. (Thanks Kelli and Lexie for letting us have your Baby Tad a long time ago....it was Avery's favorite toy, but it stopped working a couple days before our move to SA). So, I thought if I could just find another one, she would do better at night. Well, she is still screaming for her daddy right now....guess Baby Tad lost it's soothing touch. By the way, Baby Tad has been discontinued and is now different, but during my search mission I found ONE at Ross for $20. Avery WAS thrilled. The silence is still not here yet. But I know this couldn't possibly last all night...could it?


gone forever said...

oooh that's gotta be rough!! I hope this time works!!

Kthed said...

Rylan used to grind his teeth. I don't think he does it anymore. Hang in there... it'll get better!

Anonymous said...

Look, I did it! So did she finally stop crying? I wonder if she had a bad dream of something and that's why she's scared now. Poor sweet baby girl, nobody likes being scared. You should have put a picture of ya'll all cramped up in that toddler bed. Ha! That would have been interesting. Only a mother!!!! I hope it gets better. I did read a bunch of the archives after I figured out that it was a daily thing. Sounds like you're staying busy and doing great! Love you and miss you, A