Thursday, October 11

First For Everything

Well, here it is. My first post on my first blog. Just like my friend, I never thought that I would do this...or have time to, but the more I read hers I realized that it is a great way to keep in touch. Or should I say....a great way for everyone to keep in touch with us. That is why I named the Ellis family blog site "Still In Touch". Even though we have moved and we seem "out" of touch, this is actually a great way that my friends and family can know what is going on with us and most importantly what's going on with sweet Avery. Even though she is far in San Antonio, anyone who wants to read this can watch her grow. At first I thought "Who, besides my best friend, will read this...what's the point...waste of time". But now I know for sure that Avery's grandparents will read, aunt's and uncles, other family members, my close friends and hopefully our new friends in SA. Oh, I need to make those friends first, huh?


Kthed said...

WOO HOO! You got your blog set up just in time for the move to San Antone... Way to go!

Anonymous said...

hey this is cool... let me know how to get one... i have a myspace but don't really like are you moving or have you moved to San Antonio... and what's the move for? If so, at least you'll only be about 1 and 1/2 hours from us....tammy