Wednesday, October 24

Finally Officially Fall

It's here in S.A.! Fall blew in Sunday night with a storm and Monday morning was COLD! There was no sun that day and lots of wind so it just seemed colder than it was. I couldn't believe that the very day before we were IN THE POOL!

Avery in her kiddy pool for the last time this year...

Carrying her "outside" purse!

I mean...I woke up amazed at the change...what a difference in one day. We haven't really been waiting for Fall and the drop in temp. but now that it is here we can't help to welcome it with long sleeves and candy corn. Actually my Mom brought all the candy corn that nobody eats but Avery....we have SO much. Kelli, do you want some? My Mom came to visit Sunday and just left this morning. We had a lot of fun and did a lot with Avery. More pics to come soon during those days with Grandma...

Back to the coldness....I can't get over it. Yesterday and today are beautiful days but still with lower temps. But that first day of "Fall" I was freezing. I turned on the heater in the bathroom when I took a shower. It felt so good but then I found myself about to sufficate because it got so stuffy! Guess I was getting a little too extreme! HA! Here's to the new season...let the festivities begin! And good-bye to our "Season in the Sun".


Kthed said...

Welcome FALL! Great update to the blog... you just pass that candy corn on down my way & I'll take care of it for ya'!

The Milams said...

Great glad you started. I am going to add you to my list of blogs on mine if that is okay.

Your little girl is adorable. I am experiencing a move too...although it is back home, it's still difficult. I sympathize with you!!!