Friday, February 22


I haven't posted in forever...Ok, it's been like a week, but I've been fairly busy the last week. Getting back from Dallas was bitter-sweet. I totally missed David and Avery, but had a great time at Ignition and am so glad I went! David and Avery were still alive when I got home on Sunday afternoon and that's a huge plus.... HA! But I guess it's not all that surprising to see Avery in nothing more than panties on when they came home from church. She had tee-teed and Daddy forgot the back-up change of clothes. HA! We all learn the hard way it seems like!

Ignition was a blessing and a great get-away. Most of you know, but I work at home for a retail electricity provider, Stream Energy, out of Dallas. The company is called Ignite and I am "licensed" to switch people over from their current provider to Stream Energy at no cost them. Stream does have MUCH cheaper rates... 10.6 is the current lowest ever and lots don't know that they actually have a choice on who they want their electricity provider to be b/c Texas is the only state (so far) that has been deregulated. If you WANT a cheaper energy bill...hollar! I'll look up the rate for you and we can compare your current provider's rate with ours. My website is
That was my quick bit of advertising on my blog. I guess it's fair game now...if you still continue to pay your high rates and all.......
Here are a few pics from Ignition...
It was huge....we were in Reunion Arena...with like 8,000 people.
Dad, Mom, me and Tara (sister in-law) and all of Team Inferno filling one section. (I know, with our red shirts and badges we look like "Team members of Target")!!!!
Tara and I with Executive Director and #8 Ignite money earner Tim Rose... he's from Tyler and is leader of Team Inferno.