Monday, August 25

Sea World & Company

We have had alot of company lately. It has all been fun, but we are pretty tired and ready to get back into a routine (at least I am). First was a fun, family weekend with Grammy and Papa who brought Grandaddy and Granny. Thanks for the good food and all the house-warming presents! Glad Samantha (Granddaddy's little dog) didn't leave us a "house-warming present"!
Then our friends from Palestine (Cherie and Dwayne) came for a visit and brought Jake (Avery's 1st best friend). We went to Sea World for the first was ridiculously were tired...and the stroller wheel busted off, but we DID manage to have a great time. It was so worth it!
In the big net pic, Cherie is helping Avery up the net and Jake is helping himself! Actually, Avery got this far up and decided it was too hot so she came and sat down. Jake played till we thought he was about to pass out!
As we left, after 7 hours in the heat with no nap (yes, I'm talking about me with no nap) the double stroller's wheel came off. My camera's battery was dead and Cherie dropped her camera in the pool at the water park, so no pic of our mishap. Anyway, the kid's were exhausted and had no stroller, so I carried Avery thru the heat, thru the park and thru the parking lot....prego! But I laugh when I picture Cherie carrying Jake in front of me, struggling. And Dwayne trying to balance a 3-wheeled stroller embarrassing!
The day that they left my parents came in and brought Ryan (Avery's favorite cousin). What a wild weekend! I thought my blood pressure was going to burst. That's all I have to say about them two together! HA!

After the company's gone....Avery and I have been doing some bonding time together. Got to before January! We purchased season passes at Sea World and we have gone a total of 3 times in 8 days! This last time, we went to see the Backyardigans....but it was lame, b/c they came out for 5 minutes and then showed the CARTOON! But Avery thought it was neat anyway.....

Then we went to the Shamu's kiddie park area....

Poor thing, didn't have anyone to play with on the pirate ship....You can't see her, but then she got stuck in this net tube and some man had to help her out...

So my child, is the only one that decided to play in the sand area and forgot about the play ground thing that she said was "too crowded with too many kids." She was right!


Tootle Family said...

We went to Sea World on Sunday! Where y'all there that day?