Monday, August 11

Pool Hoppin'

We don't really hop from pool to pool in one day. Although... we have been visiting different pools in the last 2 months. A total of 7 actually, since our community pool has STILL not even been started on. I'm going to take that sign down and give it back to them that says "Community Pool" when you enter Laura Heights. Who's them??

I've given up, this summer, on the luxury of our own neighborhood pool that we can walk to at our own convenience and not feel like I am breaking the law by taking my child swimming. So, we have to go's the only other option. Yes, we sneak in. Well, it's really not a sneak, it's a walk in unnoticed. But I think we finally found a pool to stay at... a nearby apartment complex with a huge pool and a shallow end that looks like a beach so that Avery can play while I relax... that nobody is ever at... with very easy access since the gate locks are broken. Here it is...
As the song playing says " You would do it too", especially if you were a stay at home mom, in 100 degree temps, with a 3 year old that LOVES the water. I can see me now, being arrested in my blue maternity swimsuit, slippery from sunscreen my little fish watches and keeps on floatin'.


boo and stacy said...

that is hilarious....i would pool hop with ya anytime.