Tuesday, March 4

Tower of the Americas

The last Saturday, David's fire cadet class had to run up the Tower of the Americas... a 750 ft. climb. I brought Avery with me, the event was actually open to the public if pre-registered so there were lots of people there with one goal in mind. Make it to the top! There were even working firefighters that volunteered to climb with all of their gear and everything. (Notice the axe).

These pics are of the guys getting ready to make the climb. The navy shirts are David's current class (they are the senior class so they got to wear their class shirts) and the gray shirts are the new class in the academy.
Whoo-hoo, David was the second cadet out of all these guys who made it up to the top the fastest! All glory goes to Jesus, David's Strong Tower, who abundantly gives him strength, endurance, health and determination. Only 2 weeks until graduation!!!!!!


Kthed said...

No he DIDN'T! That's great! You think you can steal me one of those cool shirts so Brian & I can fight over who gets to wear it!! :) I meant to tell you that my spring break is this next week.

Tootle Family said...

That is soooo amazing. And, something I would never want to do. Nice work!

Tootle Family said...

That is soooo amazing. And, something I would never want to do. Nice work!