Monday, July 7

Monster House

Warning: Do not let your 3 year old watch this movie!
We have regressed.... since we've moved into our house Avery has been sleeping almost all night in her own bed and then sometimes the remainder of the night on our floor. But ever since Monster House we've had's all due to scary images on this "fun" kid's movie! Avery came into our room and laid down on the floor. I noticed that she wasn't falling asleep b/c there was alot of moving around down there. I heard some whimpering. She said there were shadows of monsters on the wall. Unfortunately we didn't have our curtains up that day, so there were plenty of moonlight shadows. She refused to just close her eyes and go to sleep and she insisted on sleeping with us. Not going to room! I finally put her at the end of our bed by our feet...well, my feet, David is way too long. There were still shadows and whimpering so I had to turn and sleep upside down so that our heads could be close together. She immediately went to sleep... which left me upside down at David's feet, uncovered, wide awake... staring at the shadows on the wall.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby girl! Nobody likes to be scared. You're such a good mother. Sometimes the only rest you get is knowing that they are resting. Hope the nausea is better, I'm still praying. And about that baby....boy....Woohoo! I know, don't get excited yet. Love the blogs, they brighten my day! Makes me feel like you're still close. Love you, A