Wednesday, July 16

Bring it On

You know when you just feel like a change.... last Friday, I already had a hair appointment, so I made myself a appt. for a pedicure too! This guy "Steven", was the first person to just look at me and ask if I was having a baby. So glad I'm starting to appear pregnant to strangers instead if just really bloated!

Then I scooted on over to the other side of SA and had highlights put in and six inches of my hair cut off by Dennis. He's been doing my hair since 1998! Dennis is the most "fabulous" stylist in SA! I totally trust him, but he did try twice to convince me to wait and cut my hair closer to when the baby comes. What was his deal? Maybe he was just really hungry and was trying to get rid of me ...but I told him I needed a trim anyway, so he might as well work through lunch! Not only did I make some changes, but David finally did too. As a new firefighter, he had to rotate each shift to different stations. He has finally been assigned to Station 41 (Tezel & Dover Ridge) actually not such a bad drive from the house.
We went to visit Daddy on his first shift at his new fire station!
Guess who not only wanted to take control of the fire truck but also wanted to take control of the camera... this is a great shot for a 3 year old, don't you think?!


Tootle Family said...

Fun post! And, you look GREAT!!!! Love the pics at the fire house!

Kthed said...

Your hair looks so cute and bouncy and healthy! I like the top pic of A too! Dennis looks nothing like I pictured in my head when you'd say his name! LOL